5 Highest Calorie Weight Training Workouts

5 Highest Calorie Weight Training Workouts

When I hear the phrase “muscle building,” the majority of people immediately think of weight training. However, I am often surprised to learn from my customers that weight training may also assist them in burning calories and reducing fat. By including high-intensity weight training into your normal routine, you may be able to increase the number of calories you burn during and after a session of weight training that is very intense. These 5 Highest Calorie Weight Training Workouts are at the top of the list when it comes to the amount of calories that are burned. They come highly recommended by me for effective fat burning and the formation of your ideal figure.
This will result in a significant acceleration of your fat loss. If you have any health concerns, you must consult with your physician or a fitness specialist before starting an exercise program. Always make sure that you are exercising appropriately by consulting with any of these individuals.

The following paragraphs will provide an in-depth description of my

5 Highest Calorie Weight Training Workouts

regimens that burn calories.

  1. Full-Body Circuit Workout
    We have developed a list of the best weight training regimens for burning calories, beginning with circuit training as the first and foremost program. Full-body circuit training is a dynamic workout that challenges many muscle groups at the same time, which results in an extreme demand on the body’s metabolic system. This results in a significant increase in the amount of calories that are burned both during and after the workout. This phenomenon is referred to as the afterburn effect, which is also referred to as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC).
    1. Crawl toward the head and press it first

Lunge with Bicep Curls

with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand by your sides. To push the weights that are located above, you must first bend down and then press through your heels. Perform three sets of twelve repetitions throughout the whole workout.
2. Perform bicep curls while lunging for weights

Perform bicep curls while lunging for weights

To strengthen your biceps, you should do a lunge while simultaneously curling your biceps. It is recommended that you do three sets of 10 repetitions on each leg, switching between the legs occasionally.

2. Upright rows and deadlifts alternate 5 Highest Calorie Weight Training Workouts

Make use of an overhand hold while maintaining the barbell or dumbbells close to your body to lift them. Begin by lowering the barbell (or dumbbells) to the ground using a hip hinge, and then proceed to row them upright until they reach chest height. Perform a total of twelve repetitions across three sets.

On a plank, perform four rows

Plank Rows

From a plank position, begin by holding dumbbells in each hand. Row one dumbbell toward your hips while maintaining the plank position throughout the exercise. Work out each arm for a total of three sets of ten repetitions.

Slams of the medicine ball combined with jumping jacks 6

Jumping Jacks with Medicine Ball Slams

Performing jump jacks while holding a medicine ball in one hand is an example of an exercise routine. The medicine ball should be slammed against the floor in the intervals that occur between each round of jumping jacks movement. Perform a total of twenty repetitions across three sets.

3. Top 5 Healthy Weightlifting Methods: HIIT

The metabolic rate can be increased by engaging in physical activity that includes both weight lifting and high-intensity interval training. Therefore, you continue to burn more calories even after your workout is over because your heart rate remains elevated throughout the alternating periods of intense exertion and relaxation.

Kettlebell swings are the first exercise

Kettlebell Swings

While standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold a kettlebell in the fingers of your hands. A powerful swing is used to bring the kettlebell up to your shoulders after you have assumed a hip hinge position and lowered it between your knees. Completing four sets of twenty repetitions is the goal.

Dumbbell thrusters are the second exercise

Dumbbell Thrusters

Grab a dumbbell while raising both hands above your head and holding it in your hands. Following the squat, bring the dumbbells up to your shoulders and hold them there. It is necessary to complete four sets of fifteen repetitions.

In the third place, leaps from boxes

Box Jumps

You should position yourself in front of a sturdy bench or box right now. As you jump onto the box, make sure to carefully land on it while keeping your legs bent. As you return to the starting position, repeat the exercise for a total of four sets of twelve repetitions.

Ropes for use in combat

Battle Ropes

Ensure that you are holding one end of the combat rope in each hand. During the thirty seconds that you have available, use the ropes to create waves or smashes. Perform four sets, and then take a quarter of a minute break.

3. Tabata-style metabolic conditioning as part of the workout routine

Short, intense bursts of movement are employed in Tabata training, which is then followed by a very brief period of recovery time. This is an excellent method for increasing the amount of calories burned and improving cardiovascular conditioning for individuals who are interested in getting in shape but have limited time to devote to the process.

1. Squats with a barbell and jumps from there

You should position a barbell on your upper back and keep it there for a while. When you have finished your squat, jump with a tremendous amount of force. Perform four sets of 20 on, 10 off, and then gently touch down during each set.

Push-ups performed with dumbbells

Grab a dumbbell while raising both hands above your head and holding it in your hands. Begin with a knee-dip, and then proceed to perform a powerful upward push with the weights. Perform four sets of twenty seconds on and ten seconds off and repeat the process four times.

Burpees in a box

Perform a standard burpee at the beginning of the exercise, and then finish with a box jump. Perform four sets of twenty seconds on and ten seconds off and repeat the process four times.

Slams with a Medicine Ball as the Weapon

You should bring a medicine ball down to the ground while you are holding it in the air. You should pick up the ball and repeat the process four times, using a pattern of twenty seconds on and ten seconds off.

Advanced Dumbbell Training is the fourth exercise in this series

It is time to get your dumbbells ready because we are about to move on to the next item on our list of the most calorie-burning weight training routines. Strength training and cardiovascular training are combined in complex training by performing a series of exercises in rapid succession without taking any breaks in between. This type of training is also known as “complex training.” It is possible to increase the amount of calories burned through this method because it involves keeping a higher heart rate throughout the entire sequence.

Doing Squats While Lifting Dumbbells

You should always have a dumbbell on either side of your body. Take the proper steps to perform a squat. Perform a total of twelve repetitions across three sets.

Dumbbell rows performed with a bent-over position

To perform this exercise, hold the dumbbells in your hands and row while bending down at the hips. While maintaining a flat back, perform three sets of twelve repetitions throughout the exercise.

Dumbbell lunges are the third exercise

Proceed into a lunge position while holding dumbbells at your sides. After completing three sets of twelve repetitions on each leg, switch legs and continue the exercise.

4. Utilizing dumbbells to perform shoulder presses

You should position the dumbbells so that they are level with your shoulders. To complete a total of twelve repetitions, lift the weights overhead three times every time.

Dumbbell Deadlifts

Assume a prone position with your thighs and grab the dumbbells. To lower the dumbbells, you should hinge at the hips. Perform a total of twelve repetitions across three sets.

5. A CrossFit-Inspired Workout Will Be Your Fifth Step

CrossFit workouts are famed for their high intensity and their capacity to burn a significant number of calories. To put the entire body through its paces, a well-structured, high-calorie workout (WOD) will incorporate a variety of functional motions.

First, perform a jump rope double-under

Every time you leap, you should make sure to spin the jump rope twice. Put forth your best effort to finish three sets in one minute.

Two, swings using a kettlebell as a weight

If you possess a kettlebell, you should attempt to swing it between your legs and then raise it into the air. Completing four sets of twenty repetitions is the goal.

In the third place, leaps from boxes

Immediately after jumping on a box or platform, you should land on it with caution. Lift 15 pounds in three sets of repetitions.

4. Pucks for the Wall
Put yourself in a squat position and throw a medicine ball against a wall while you are holding it. You should perform thirty repetitions in a row.


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