Big data | Software Technology

What is Big Data?

Big data | Software Technology

Big data is the use of vast amounts of information collected from a variety of sources, including social media, web-based applications, and mobile devices, to assist in solving complex problems.

It’s already being used in a lot of different fields. From search engines like Google and Yahoo to finance research software and banking applications. This technology is very useful in many aspects, but one fact remains: Big data is still not fully understood by the general public. People are still afraid of it because they don’t know what it actually entails or how it works.

I’ve been following some news reports about big data for a very long time now but I was never really sure what exactly it was about. People said that big data is the use of large amounts of information that have been collected from various sources — online or offline (like smartphones).

And then I came across this piece on Wikipedia which gave an explanation: “Big Data is not just data sets as we understand any such collection today; it is also an idea that refers to the amount of information available in such large datasets so that they can be analyzed with machine learning techniques.”

When I read those words “as we understand any such collection today”, my mind started buzzing with ideas on what big data really means.

What if there are only machines instead?”

Don’t get me wrong — in my point of view, human beings are still an important part of our lives; we have needs and desires like everybody else does — just not necessarily with the same frequency or intensity as anybody else does! But do we really need people around us when all we need is a machine? Isn’t technology enough?

And then there were other hints pointing out something similar to what happened with AI (artificial intelligence), which had been around since 1997 — technology has evolved so much since then that no one can even remember what AI was back then!

So whatever this big data might be, I think we all know that it involves a lot more than just analyzing huge datasets! It probably depends on your definition though. Big data might include everything from micro-credit lending systems to smart cities monitoring everything going on around them… Yes. It surely must involve more than just analyzing massive datasets! And who knows… maybe someday another breakthrough will come along

What are the components of Big Data?

Big Data is a new field that is rapidly evolving in the arena of technology. It is being used by those who are trying to make sense of the world using computers and other devices, and this trend is expected to continue for quite some time.

Big data is defined as data sets that are too large or complex for conventional methods to deal with. In order to deal with this type of big data, software needs to be developed based on the specific needs of a given application. Even though it may seem like a big task, there are ways to tackle big data analytically and efficiently.

These processing techniques have been used in many different fields including, but not limited to, research, business intelligence (BI), marketing, finance, and even pro sports analytics. The importance of Big Data has grown tremendously over the years and there seems no stopping it however much it may take until now.

What is the future of Big Data?

“Big data” is a buzzword, a term that can be used in several ways. It can refer to the amount of information processed by big data applications as well as to the size of these applications. In other words, big data is synonymous with “big”.

However, big does not necessarily mean “large”. A lot of small-scale and medium-scale systems have been developed recently, and they are not just big; they are also quite small.

The term “big data” is usually used to describe large-scale systems or sets of large-scale systems that use tools such as databases and analytics software or advanced computer programming languages, but this isn’t always the case.

It can be applied to small-scale information processing systems that process a limited number of large datasets or files. Such systems often serve as models for more complex applications where an amount of data is very large or where it is difficult to deal with in traditional ways.

These are often called “big data computing platforms” or “analytics platforms”. They are sometimes called “data warehouses” instead of “data centers” due to having more than one purpose at once and taking more space than just one main server room which will typically host only one type of application for running different types of business processes and/or operating different types of server farms for hosting virtual machines (VMs).

The term has been used in this sense since at least 1989 when IBM made the first publicly available database system called Tivoli, then another database system in 1992 named DB2 was introduced, followed by Oracle in 1994. At that time Oracle was still considered a commercial product rather than an open-source project (although Oracle has since released several free products for developers).

Microsoft introduced SQL Server in 2000 together with its relational database management software SQL Server System Manager as part of its SQL Server family, which also included Access (1998) and SharePoint Server (2003). Microsoft introduced Enterprise Edition (2003), which combined SQL Server with other products like System Center Operations Manager or SQL Data Tools; this edition was later renamed Enterprise Virtualization Edition (2009) due to the departure from Microsoft and the implementation by VMware along with Microsoft’s acquisition by Dell on April 1, 2010 – VMware acquired EMC Corporation in February 2011 through their acquisition of EMC Corporation stock valued at $67 billion USD.


Big data has been a hot topic for years, and it seems that no matter where you go, whether it’s from your boss to your friend to a conference, and so on, there are people excited about big data. In fact, big data has become the buzzword for most of the recent conferences I have attended.

The excitement is fueled by the development of big data software technology. Application-specific software developers are now developing and implementing solutions based on big data science. The applications range from banking transactions to oil exploration.

Big Data is an evolving field that is still in its early stages of development. Some of the major tools that have been developed include:

1) Spark (focuses on Map Reduce execution)

2) Hadoop (focuses on distributed processing)

3) Mahout (focuses on multi-agent systems)

4) Hbase (focuses on NoSQL databases)

5) Flume (focuses on message events processing)

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